
Glass beads


Grinding glass beads are used in vertical and horizontal bead mills. These small parts have a flat smooth surface, are hard and always the same size. Modern production technologies make it possible to produce balls of almost perfect shape, with little deviation from sphericity and without the inclusion of air bubbles on the surface.


Typical applications for glass grinding beads:

  • production of paint and varnish products;
  • production of various fillers;
  • production of protection means for herbicides and plants.
  • They are used for grinding pigments, paints, components of the chemical industry, as well as for dispersion.


The main technical characteristics of glass grinding beads are their specific gravity (2.4-2.6g/cm3), size (from 0.8mm to 6mm), hardness (6-7 Mohs) and compressive strength (about 1200N). Externally, a glass bead is a transparent and clean ball without visible impurities and traces of air bubbles on the surface. For packaging, a polyethylene bag with an inner film is used, the net weight varies within 25 ± 0.2 kg.