
Reactive alumina


Reactive alumina as a modern high-quality material has found application in the production of particularly heat-resistant products. It is presented in the form of finely dispersed corundum powder with fractions from submicron (up to 4 microns) and is ready for use in this form.
The advantages of alumina are its chemical and physical properties:
– it is insoluble in acids;
– has the properties of a semiconductor and decomposes only in the alkali melt.
Alumina is of little danger to humans (hazard class – 4), fire and explosion-proof.

Application in the manufacture of refractories:
Thanks to a special technology for the preparation of reactive alumina, it is possible to obtain a product with the necessary fineness and modality parameters (mono, two, and many fractional). Its use in the manufacture of refractories helps to achieve high results:
• lowering the temperature of synthesis and sintering of the required phases during firing;
• lowering the amount of water for mixing concrete without worsening their rheological characteristics;
• Stronger particle packing and stronger structure in fire resistant low cement and ultra low cement concretes. This structure is the most resistant to aggressive reagents;
• improvement of operational and physical characteristics (mechanical strength, abrasion resistance, etc.) of concrete products due to a denser structure.

It is also used in the manufacture of industrial (engineering) ceramics.
The addition of reactive alumina in the form of a dry powder to the composition of ceramic materials improves their quality, as well as expands the technical capabilities of this method.
